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 FROM 251 TO 300

251. sure
252. knew
253. it’s
254. try
255. told
256. young
257. sun
258. thing
259. whole
260. hear
261. example
262. heard
263. several
264. change
265. answer
266. room
267. sea
268. against
269. top
270. turned
271. learn
272. point
273. city
274. play
275. toward
276. five
277. himself
278. usually
279. money
280. seen
281. didn’t
282. car
283. morning
284. I’m
285. body
286. upon
287. family
288. later
289. turn
290. move
291. face
292. door
293. cut
294. dome
295. group
296. true
297. half
298. red
299. fish
300. plants

Are you sure about it?
I already knew him.
it’s fantastic!
Try it!
I told you it was good.
He is a very your guy.
The sun is shining bright today.
It is a wonderful thing, isn’t it?
I’ve already travelled the whole world.
Can you hear me?
Give me one example.
I heard what he said.
I have several things to do today.
Can you change it?
I don’t know the answer.
My house has five rooms.
I live near the sea.
I am not against this idea.
On the top of the mountain.
He turned around and looked at me.
I need to learn another language.
What is the point of all that?
Is is a nice city to live.
Let’s play a game.
He threw the ball toward me.
It is a five star hotel.
He talks to hmself.
I usually sleep early.
I need more money.
I have seen her recently.
I didn’t understand a word.
I have a very nice car.
he studies in the morning.
I’m fine! And you?
She has a beatuful body.
Once upon a time.
I have a big family.
I’ll talk to you later, ok?
Turn on the lights, please.
He moved to another city.
I like to talk face to face.
Open the door, please.
I cut my finger cutting the onions.
Some parents would like to be able to protect their children under a dome.
I have diffichlty working in group.
Is it true?
I can eat half a pizza.
Press the red button.
Do you like to fish? Do you like to eat fish?
Her house is fully decorated with plants.



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