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FROM 181 TO 200

181. few
182. those
183. always
184. show
185. large
186. often
187. together
188. asked
189. house
190. don’t
191. world
192. going
193. want
194. school
195. important
196. until
197. form
198. food
199. keep
200. children

I don’t have many friends. I have a few good friends.
Who are those guys?
I’ll always love you.
Show me what you’ve done.
This house has a large garden.
How often do you go to the movies?
Let’s do it together.
I asked him to help me.
This is very nice house.
I don’t understand it.
We need to save the world.
Where are you going to?
I want to travel to Paris.
I go to school in the morning.
It is an important lesson.
I will be here until tomorrow.
Can you fill out this form, please.
I need to buy some food.
Keep trying.
I don’t have children.



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