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  1. It is with much regret that I have chosen to resign from my position as Budget analyst from Master's Inc.
  2. deity is a god or goddess.
  3. The moon has been featured as a deity since the beginning of human life on earth.
  4. I think we've chosen the right person to lead the expedition.
  5. I will cherish all tne memories of us together!
  6. Don't cherish the illusion that your father will always pay your debts.
  7. The President is under intense pressure to resign.
  8. Human beings have a need for both independence and connectedness.
  9. The nation as a whole was thoroughly polarized into left-and right-wing groups.
  10. There will be efforts to get larger amounts of food to the needy.
  11. You can use petty to describe things such as problems, rules, or arguments which you think are unimportant or relate to unimportant things.
  12. He became involved in petty crime as a teenager.
  13. A leaking roof is just one of life's petty annoyances!
  14. If you say that you cannot get a word in edgewise, you are complaining that you do not have the opportunity to speak because someone else is talking so much.
  15. Jean didn't let me get a word in edgewise.
  16. Try to get a word in edgewise by leaning forward and opening your mouth slightly.
  17. The caretaker opens up the school every morning at seven.
  18. After all the guests had left, I swept up.
  19. He was sweeping up leaves in his garden.
  20. Let's split the cost right down the middle.
  21. Oh, you've got a lot of candies!Will you split with us?
  22. A lorry shed its load on the motorway.
  23. That book is a load of rubbish.
  24. The maximum load for this elevator is eight persons.
  25.  It irks him to have to clean his house.
  26. If something irks you, it irritates or annoys you.
  27. He was stabbed to death by his vengeful wife.
  28. If you say that someone is standoffish, you mean that they behave in a formal and rather unfriendly way.
  29. He can be quite standoffish and rude, even to his friends.
  30. His refusal to see me was an affront.
  31. The first step in a job search is to prepare an up-to-date CV.
  32. The police are reluctant to step in.
  33. I have many things to do. Can you step in for me at the party?
  34. Amateurs fall by the wayside when the going gets tough.
  35. As they say, when the going gets tough, the tough gets going.
  36. A single spark can start a prairie fire.
  37. spark set the woods on fire.
  38. prairie is a large area of flat, grassy land in North America. Prairies have very few trees.
  39. At first I felt very resentful and angry about losing my job.
  40. She felt resentful at the way she had been treated.
  41.  I walked up and down the aisle to stretch my cramped muscles.
  42. Breathe in through your nose as you stretch up.
  43. That elastic band will snap if you stretch it too far.
  44. I had spent two months worrying about it and I was glad to get it off my chest.
  45.  I have to write this to get some of the weight - the choking weight - off my chest.
  46. The sudden movement of the ship knocked them both off balance.
  47. Give it to whomever you please.
  48. He was free to marry whomever he chose.
  49. It behoves us to study these findings carefully.
  50. It behoves us to think of these dangers.



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