There is a motorcycle in this picture. This motorcycle is green. There is a dog beside the motorcycle. This dog is looking at the motorbike. This is a big black dog with some brown spots. This dog is wearing a collar. There is a house behind the dog and the motorbike. There is a big door in this house. There is a huge door in this house. There is a massive black door in this house. There are some vases at the main entrance of the house. The motorbike has fat tires. It is a vintage bike. It was probably a military bike. This motorbike was overhauled. This motorbike is very old but it looks as if it were new. Surely, it was overhauled. This motorbike is very old but it looks as if it were new. Surely, it was restored.
She is by the window. The woman is reading. She is wearing light grey socks and a light grey coat. She is covered with a blanket. She is sitting on the armchair. The woman is sitting down on an orange armchair. She seems to be comfortable. It must be in the morning. It is cold. She is red-haired. The book might be interesting. The book seems to be interesting. She looks entertained. She is holding the book with both hands. She’s got long wavy hair.
One cat seems to be bigger than the other. I can see two cats sleeping. It is raining outside. It is cold. It is an apartment. The owner of the cats like to read. The owner of the cats like to read and drink hot drinks. The place seems cozy. There is a window behind the cats. There are drops of water on the window. The cats are lying on a woollen blanket. The cats have their eyes closed. There is a lamp over the book and the cup of tea. Through the window we can see that it is a little bit dark outside. The cup is full. The book is open. One cat is brown and white and the other cat is darker brown.
The Akita is a large and powerful dog bree d with a noble and intimidating presence. He was originally used for guarding royalty and nobility in feudal Japan. The Akita also tracked and hunted wild boar, black bear, and sometimes deer. He is a fearless and loyal guardian of his family. The Akita does not back down from challenges and does not frighten easily. Yet he is also an affectionate, respectful, and amusing dog when properly trained and socialized. Read more
Die schwedische Pop-Gruppe ABBA hat 2 neue Lieder aufgenommen . Das ist etwas Besonderes. Denn die Gruppe hat sich vor 35 Jahren getrennt. ABBA ist eine sehr berühmte Pop-Gruppe aus 2 Männern und 2 Frauen. Sie hatten zusammen viele Hits. Dann hat sich die Gruppe getrennt. Viele Fans waren sehr traurig. Die Fans haben immer wieder gesagt: ABBA soll wieder zusammen auftreten. Aber die Musiker haben immer Nein gesagt. Jetzt haben die ABBA-Musiker doch 2 neue Lieder aufgenommen. Sie haben gesagt: Das hat großen Spaß gemacht. Sie haben auch verraten, wie eins von den beiden neuen Liedern heißt. Es heißt: "I still have faith in you". Das ist Englisch. Es bedeutet: "Ich glaube immer noch an Dich." Das Lied soll im Dezember veröffentlicht werden. Zusammen auftreten wollen die 4 ABBA-Musiker aber nicht. MORE HERE
The man doesn’t know what to buy. He is in doubt. He is in doubt between the two polo shirts. He has many options to choose from. He likes polo shorts. He is wearing a bowtie. He sports a beard. He is holding a striped shirt and a blue shirt. He is in a store. He is shopping for clothes. He might like to buy clothes. He is looking at the blue shirt. The shirts are on hangers. He is wearing a blue jacket. The blue jacket matches his blue bowtie. The blue shirt is plain. He seems to be a nice guy. He is going to buy only one shirt. He has good taste. He is well dressed.
How Long to Get to a Conversational Level in a Language? Conversation implies a two-way exchange of language. Therefore, reaching a conversational level implies quite a high level of comprehension of the language so that we can understand what is being said to us. That means in order to converse properly we need to prepare ourselves. CONTINUE
In dem Land Venezuela hat es eine Präsidenten-Wahl gegeben. Der Politiker Nicolás Maduro hat die Wahl gewonnen. Er sagt: Ich habe die meisten Stimmen bekommen. Maduro ist schon seit vielen Jahren Präsident. Jetzt soll er noch einmal 7 Jahre das Land regieren. Viele Menschen sind gegen Maduro. Sie protestieren gegen das Wahl-Ergebnis. Sie glauben: Maduro hat bei der Wahl betrogen . In Venezuela gibt es eine Inflation. Das heißt: das Geld ist immer weniger wert. Zum Beispiel können sich viele Menschen kein Essen oder Medikamente kaufen. Sie haben zu wenig Geld. Viele Sachen gibt es in dem Land gar nicht. Viele Politiker in anderen Ländern sagen: Die Wahlen waren nicht frei und nicht gerecht. Darum sollen sie wiederholt werden. Nachrichten, 25. Mai 2018
1. This picture reminds us of the famous Beatles picture. 2. There is a Burger King restaurant on the street. 3. There are people crossing the street. 4. There are cars coming and going. 5. There are four vans. 6. There are many buildings. 7. There is a guy dressed as Freddy Krueger. 8. I can see 8 people in the picture. 9. The weather is good. 10. I can see it is cold because people are wearing coats and jackets. 11. I can see it is cold because people are wearing winter clothes. 12. There are old buildings and modern buildings too. 13. There is a Mercedes. 14. The guy dressed as Freddy Krueger is holding a glass of beer. 15. Apart from Freddy Krueger all the other people are women. 16. Everybody is holding bags. 17. Nobody seems to care about Freddy Krueger. 18. There are people crossing the street on the zebra crossing. 19. There aren´t old cars in the picture. 20. The cars have their lights on.
1. They are playing video game. 2. The boys are sitting on the sofa. 3. The boys are screaming. 4. One of the boys is wearing a reddish t-shirt. 5. They are probably in the living room. 6. One of the boys is fat. 7. They are wearing jeans. 8. Apparently, both have got blue eyes. 9. They are holding their video game controller. 10. The boys are excited. 11. They are having fun. 12. The boys are sitting on a black sofa. 13. The boys are sitting on a black leather sofa. 14. The wall behind them is white. 15. They might be playing with the PS2 game’s console.
DU schreibst dieses Jahr Abitur und weißt nicht wie und wo du anfangen sollst? Wir haben dir den EINFACHSTEN ÜBERBLICK für die Perfekte Abi-Vorbereitung erstellt! In 7 FÄCHERN: Mathe, Bio, Physik, Chemie, Geschichte, Informatik oder Geographie werden dieses Jahr kein Problem für dich! WATCH!